A competitive analysis app developed for the 12-year National Education-Junior High School Education Examination. It provides a reference index for ninth grade students who are promoted to secondary school/vocational when they participate in the optional program for free admission.
專為12年國教–國中教育會考所開發的競爭力分析 App,提供給升高中/高職的九年級生在參加免試入學選填志願序時的參考指標,全國 15 考區皆可適用,戰友競爭力分析、校系推薦等,更是您不可錯過的強大功能之一。全國各區的簡章規則以簡單明瞭的使用者介面呈現,可以省下考生翻閱簡章的不便,只要選擇就學區,填寫完整成績,系統將自動計算考生積分,並提供戰友成績分析。• 支援全國 15 考區• 拖曳排列瞬間完成計算志願序積分• 即時領先人數資訊• 即時戰友推薦校系資訊• 得分與志願序戰友分析• 首創功能:序位落點A competitive analysis app developed for the 12-year National Education-Junior High School Education Association Examination. It provides reference indicators for ninth-graders in higher secondary/higher vocational schools when they participate in the optional program for free admission. It is applicable to 15 examination areas across the country, comrades-in-arms Competitiveness analysis, school department recommendation, etc., is one of the powerful functions you cant miss.The rules of the brief chapters of the various districts across the country are presented in a simple and clear user interface, which can save candidates from the inconvenience of reading the brief chapters. As long as you select the school district and fill in the complete scores, the system will automatically calculate the candidates points and provide analysis of the scores of comrades-in-arms.• Support 15 test areas nationwide• Drag the arrangement to complete the calculation of volunteer order points in an instant• Real-time leader information• Real-time comrades-recommended school department information• Analysis of scores and volunteer order comrades• The original function: the order of the drop point為了追求更完善的品質,提供更優質的體驗,立即更新至最新版本!此次更新1. 流程微調.